

The RCS Daycare was initially opened for the purpose of providing childcare for the families of school staff and younger siblings of elementary students. As capacity increased, daycare services were extended to other families in the surrounding areas as well. The RCS Daycare still prioritizes the needs of school staff and school families. Families who come to Riviera for daycare are eligible for “in-house” enrollment if they choose to continue with preschool or elementary.

Daycare Overview

The RCS Daycare includes three Early Education components as well as School-Age Childcare:

  • Daycare for infants and toddlers: Year-round program, ages eight weeks through two years old, open from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • Daycare Preschool: Year-round program, ages 3-5, open from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • Preschool Recorded Program: September through May, Preschool 3 and Preschool 4, 8:45 am to 11:30 am.
  • School-Age Childcare: Riviera students have access to before and after school care. All day care is available during summer break for children under age 12.

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Is RCS Daycare the same as Childcare?

We use the words Daycare and Childcare interchangeably. Historically, we’ve used Childcare exclusively, but parents are often searching specifically for Daycare, and we want everyone who needs our services to be able to find us. 

A woman smiling who works in the food industry, with a brown bow tie, white dress shirt, and brown apron

Daycare Enrollment Process

1. Inquire

Reach out to our office at to receive a link to join our waiting list.


2. Questionnaire

Completely fill out the waiting list questionnaire.

3. Hear Back

When we know of a spot coming available, we will contact you directly with further instructions.

A woman smiling who works in the food industry, with a brown bow tie, white dress shirt, and brown apron

We are honored to receive your trust.

The RCS Childcare provides year-round care for children from age eight weeks through 5th grade (age 12). As a center that is certified by the state of Oregon, we meet or exceed the staff training requirements for licensed childcare. We provide a high-quality, safe, and loving program for our families. Our center offers a wide variety of educational experiences for our children.

With regular collaboration between the school and childcare, RCS is a great place for families with children under the age of 12. Because of our partnership with the elementary school, our childcare is able offer the following resources:

  • Large, fenced playground (scheduled to be updated in June, 2024)
  • Huge indoor gymnasium
  • Optional hot lunch program for children ages three and up

School-Age Childcare

During the school year, before and after school care is available from 7:00 to 9:00 am and from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. Before school, children have time to play together with a variety of games and activities and have a short devotional time right before school starts. After school, children can have a snack, work on homework, play together, and participate in various on-site community service activities. All-day childcare is available for school-age students during the summer break and on some holidays as well.

A woman smiling who works in the food industry, with a brown bow tie, white dress shirt, and brown apron

Early Childhood Activities

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Biblical Instruction

At RCS, children participate in daily activities that help them develop an awareness of God’s love for them. Their teachers model how Jesus teaches us to live; we are to love each other with the same care and concern that we have for ourselves (Matthew 19:19). Our children listen to Bible stories, sing Sunday School songs, and pray before meals.

Academic Preparation

Children at Riviera have many opportunities to develop oral language skills and build foundations for literacy and math. They listen as stories are read aloud, engage in lively conversations, and learn to understand numbers. All preschoolers at Riviera are introduced to letter names and sounds, and the basic vocabulary of American Sign Language. They participate in daily activities around recognition of letter names and sounds. We collaborate with Willamette ESD to provide additional evaluation and support to children who would benefit from those services.

Children in the half-day recorded program (Preschool 3 and Preschool 4) participate in some additional activities. They perform in a Christmas program and host a Mother’s Tea in the spring. Their twice-yearly off-site field trips are hugely popular–the Pumpkin Patch in the fall, and the Carousel in the spring. These students also receive progress reports at the middle and end of the school year.

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Physical and Personal Development

Children at RCS have daily opportunities to develop their gross motor skills while playing outdoors on playground equipment or running around in the spacious gymnasium. Age-appropriate activities challenge and support children as they grow through each stage of development. When they are developmentally ready, children work on their fine motor skills by doing puzzles, sorting small objects, and building with a variety of materials. They learn the basics of personal care, such as hand washing, taking care of their belongings, and picking up after themselves. We offer potty-training support when parents request it.

Social-Emotional Growth

The early childhood classrooms at RCS provide an excellent context for children to understand their own feelings and develop empathy for others. These skills are daily embedded in Bible stories as teachers present and model how Jesus teaches us to live. Children have the opportunity to take turns, ask for help, share materials, and follow directions. They will have loving and consistent support as they learn to regulate “big feelings” during daily interactions with their classmates.